About Us
Black Butterfly Education
Evidence-based, trauma-informed, preventative practices that support the wellbeing of trauma-affected students and the educators that work with them.
About Black Butterfly Education
Daniella personally experienced childhood trauma and feels as though the education system at that time let her down. She believes this was due to a lack of knowledge and skill rather than the absence of supportive and caring adults. As a result of this, Daniella is determined to educate and empower as many teachers as possible so that they are equipped with the necessary tools to recognise trauma and support trauma-affected students. This can be achieved by creating holistic, trauma-informed classrooms that support healing and recovery and enable students to feel safe to learn.
Although Daniella has experienced some very difficult times, she perceives her past as a gift that has given her the ability to connect with other trauma-affected children. It also ignited an intense passion to help other children and is what inspired her to become a teacher where she could be an agent of change. However, after being involved in this work for a number of years she also realised that this type of work can dispense an enormous emotional toll on teachers in addition to their already overburdened work schedules. It taught her the vital lesson that in order to sustain a teacher’s ability to work with trauma-affected students, their own wellbeing must be prioritised and nurtured.
This is how the Black Butterfly Model came about. Daniella wanted to create a model that supported the mental health and wellbeing of students, but also recognised the difficulties that teachers endure when working with these students.
Whilst all butterflies symbolise hope and new life, the black butterfly is particularly special because it symbolises a new beginning and healing from trauma. Hence why we have used it as our logo. The cocoon in the model was utilised to emulate what all school environments should encapsulate. They should provide all the necessary ingredients to ensure that when the trauma-affected caterpillars (students and teachers) enter, the perfect environment exists where they are supported to go out into the world to thrive as a black butterfly!
Black Butterfly Education’s Philosophy
Black Butterfly Education strongly supports the view that the wellbeing of students and teachers is interrelated. If teachers are struggling to cope with the students in their class, then the support they are able to give to students is limited. In order for educators to effectively work with their students, their own mental health and wellbeing must be prioritised and nurtured. To improve the wellbeing and academic success of our students, schools need to look beyond reactive models and must provide better preventative support for trauma-affected students and the educators that work with them.
Our Head Educator
Daniella Rigon M. Ed (Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing) BA DipEd.
With 20 years of experience in education and extensive personal experience with trauma and burnout, Daniella is;
• Highly skilled in working with vulnerable students who display emotional difficulties and problematic behaviours in the classroom
• Attuned to the classroom needs of both trauma-affected students and the educators that work with them
• Experienced in supporting the wellbeing of students and teachers
• An excellent communicator who is able to work in a team alongside students, families, colleagues and external agencies to achieve the best possible outcomes for students